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Managing a reservoir park faces a variety of challenges, but one of the most important often lies in the early detection of faults and the implementation of preventive measures. Explore how Stelar is proactively responding to critical challenges faced by industrial tanks.

Problems and challenges

Les retards dans l’identification de problèmes potentiels des réservoirs peuvent entraîner des urgences coûteuses, tandis que la gestion réactive plutôt que proactive peut entraîner des coûts supplémentaires et des interruptions opérationnelles. Aussi les temps d’arrêt généré par les inspections et la maintenance de ces réservoirs peut occasionner des pertes conséquentes de production. De plus, la conformité avec les réglementations strictes et la nécessité d’une gestion efficace des fonds de prévoyance pour maintenir l’état des réservoirs ajoutent une complexité significative à la gestion globale des actifs industriels.


  • The quantity and variety of tank designs or contents on a site make monitoring complex.
  • Inspection plans are not always in place to detect damage
  • Retrieving past data is difficult due to the time interval between inspections (5, 10, and 15 years) and poor document management systems
  • Interior inspection costs are very expensive.
  • Inspection firms do generic inspections
  • Breakdowns lead to unexpected, very expensive shutdowns.
  • A Leak Can Have Significant Environmental and Safety Consequences
  • Inefficient CMMS to monitor the health of a reservoir

Possible functions and actions

  • Overview of all tank types
  • Qualification of Tanks by Risk Class
  • Assessment of defects according to a severity grid
  • Taking into account thickness data (NDT)
  • Management of recommended interventions by project
  • Management of intervention budgets according to risks
  • Centralization of inspection data and reports by asset
  • Classification of plans, materials, Tmin, components, others by asset
  • Sectorization of tanks (GPS aerial view and data by sector)

Components of reservoirs treated by Stelar





Foundation (concrete or structure)





Containment zone

Internal component (e.g. baffle)


Flanges and valves

Stelar makes all the necessary fonctionallities available to meet the standards, norms, and regulations for reservoirs.

Application types

  • Visual Audit
  • Damage Report
  • Visual inspection
  • Detailed evaluation — finger on the coin
  • Emergency inspection
  • Conformity assessment (safety or environment)
  • Installation/start-up (zero day)
  • Reconstruction quality monitoring

Operational benefits


The forms specifically developed for industrial buildings structure a detailed and directed approach for the various types of applications. This approach makes it possible to qualify the defects observed according to a predefined severity grid according to the type of material (concrete, wood, paint, paint, coating or steel). The inspector will be able to document the various components in photos, text and the selection of predefined elements, in addition to issuing recommendations that will be validated by authorized engineers. The custom form tool will make it possible to structure information collections for the needs of various actors in your organization dedicated to maintaining buildings and infrastructures.

Severity grid

The defect severity grid is a decision support tool for qualifying defects based on the materials we find in a building. This applies mainly in the context of visual inspection. For example, for steel, we can observe and qualify surface corrosion, an absence of coating. The severity grid is combined with the risk matrix, which makes it possible to classify defects by level of risk for the integrity of the asset, the industrial building and its components.

Visualisation de la santé des actifs

Knowing that their age is constantly evolving, Stelar allows you to visualize the health index of your building assets continuously. This global view of the building stock generated based on inspection results and quantitative and/or qualitative health parameters is the basis for sound asset management. Combined with the amount of recommended interventions, it is possible to project the investments of various projects for the maintenance or replacement of buildings and their components.


The interventions recommended to mitigate the risk of the various defects observed are prioritized by the organization according to the risk, cost, use, compliance and other factors made available on the platform. It is thus possible to project the investments of various projects to maintain or replace the asset and to update the status of the assets according to the work carried out.

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