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Manage my inventory

Stelar makes it possible to manage all inventory while maintaining essential information. It takes care of all types of inventory and offers great flexibility.

What Stelar features can improve my inventory management?

Asset type template

Asset positioning

Document management

Import or SDK/API

Asset type template

The creation of an asset type template corresponds to the technical sheet of an asset where we define the attributes necessary for a good knowledge of the assets for each type. Allocating inventory assets to different asset types makes it possible to establish points of comparison to assess their condition. This structure facilitates the valorization of data through machine learning. It is thus possible to configure all the attributes necessary for the evaluation of a type of asset:

  • Dimension and capacity
  • Function
  • Inspection, use, design standard
  • Type of installation, structure and foundation
  • Materials and thickness
  • Engine power and fuel type
  • Inspection frequency and method
  • etc.

Asset positioning

Map visualization in Stelar is a valuable asset for users, allowing them to optimize asset inventory, quickly access critical information, and make strategic decisions with confidence. It is thus possible to locate assets on a map using a GPS position.

Document management

A dedicated space is provided to document any information relating to the design of an asset; you will quickly and logically find a technical information base. You will thus be able to compare the evolution of the asset with the original plans.

  • Asset plan (original plan, as-built plan, etc.)
  • Relevant documentation (maintenance plan, installation guide, warranty, etc.)
  • Past analysis reports (e.g. RCFA)

Import or SDK/API

Have all the tools in hand to easily transfer your asset inventory according to the structure you define. You will be able to import your complete inventory if you do not have to manipulate data from one system to another. However, you will be able to create a data bridge via our SDK or API to easily transact data.

  • Importing and exporting in Excel and CSV formats
  • Importing sites, assets and interventions
  • Support for hierarchical nesting (Nesting)
  • SDK: Available in Python and Javascript
  • Reflects all the possible interconnection and access operations to data: create, modify and delete (organizations, users, locations, assets, interventions)