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Field information collection

Stelar allows the collection of field information of several types for fixed assets, rotating equipment or rolling equipment. Its mobile application offers the functions needed to collect inspection data on the condition of assets. Its Measuring Point function makes it possible to collect sensor data (temperature, amperage, oil quality, others) or measurement data. It is also possible to collect historical asset data by importing an appropriate data set. Collection functions facilitate the centralization of structured data, which is highly beneficial for organizations.

What are the features that can advance my inspections?

Below you will find some of the most relevant and common features of Stelar for field data collection in industrial environments. The integration team offers a comprehensive training program on how to use and configure Stelar to adapt to your reality.

Defect positioning

Mobile app

Severity grid

Measuring points


Defect positioning

The overview created allows the sectors of risky assets to be closely monitored. Also, being able to quickly find a deficiency in a maze of assets greatly facilitates the carrying out of an intervention.

  • Field work simplified by geolocating asset deficiencies (Google Earth)
  • Positioning a defect on a PDF plan
  • Viewing the PDF asset plan in the details screen (plan view) on mobile

Mobile app

Effective and easy mobile application in the field. Field technicians no longer need paper to take notes or take photos with a separate device. Everything is done from a powerful mobile device that synchronizes data to the Stelar platform.

  • Available on all platforms (iOS, Android)
  • Entering inspection data via dynamic form
  • Functional offline
  • Synchronization of data to the central platform carried out at the request of the user in the field.
  • Sub-functions: taking information by photography, handwritten note, drawing, GPS location, location on a map, etc.
  • Barcodes or QR code to identify assets and forms to use.

Severity grid

Disability severity grids integrated into the mobile application. The severity grid proposes criteria for evaluating the severity of defects that reduces user interpretation and ensures uniform qualification of defects among the various inspectors across the organization and over the years. The grid is flexible according to the materials and requirements of organizations.

  • Text definition of severity and type of defect
  • Integration into form templates

Measuring points

Data collection by sensors. Stelar allows the integration of quantitative data for the evaluation of the condition or performance of assets.

  • NDT thickness measurement data
  • Pressure sensors
  • Viscosity sensor
  • Temperature sensors
  • Optical sensors
  • Inclination sensors
  • Amperage sensor
  • etc.


Interventions govern all events that occur in the life of an asset. An intervention is an object that is always associated with an asset that contains data relating to its type, condition, or operational status. All interventions are dated and therefore referred to time. All asset-related interventions form a history through which Stelar can learn to predict events, and their costs.

  • Type of intervention: installation, replacement, repair, repair, inspection, engineering calculation, change of condition.
  • Associated cost type: OpEx, CapEx
  • Complete management of interventions according to cost and schedule